Learning how to hunt was not something I ever contemplated doing most of my life. I grew up in a family of men who hunted, but never thought of it being a female experience that I may learn to love. However, once Grumpy and I became life partners, I knew hunting was going to be a permanent fixture in my life!
Grumpy always wanted me to be a part of the hunting experience with him. So, when the opportunity presented itself, I took full advantage and became Grumpy's female hunting partner! I found that learning how to hunt was going to be a little more intensive than I thought! But that was ok, because I had the best teacher out there.
Hunter's Safety Course, the first step in learning how to hunt
I realized there was a lot I may know about learning how to hunt, but then, there was a lot I didn't know. Grumpy and I put together a checklist of what was most important to do and know before I went out into the woods.
I had already covered the Hunter's Safety Course years ago. This is the first thing you must have and you need your certificate of proof the first time you buy your hunting license. Each state has their own hunter education requirements, so you will need to be familiar with them before you start.
Learn how to shoot
I had Grumpy set me up to learn how to load and shoot the the rifle and/or shotgun. Then I proceeded to do some target practice. I found the turkey shotgun really packs a wallop! I am thankful I had the experiences shooting other types of guns first!
If you want to hunt, you cannot be afraid of any type of weapon that can kill. You need to be comfortable with it in your hands and be conscious and alert at all times. This is why I insisted on shooting as much as possible before sitting in the woods with any type of weapon!
Learning the woods is just as important as learning how to hunt
When learning how to hunt, it is as equally important that you become familiar with the areas you plan to hunt in. Grumpy uses the onx hunt app and installed it for me on my iPhone for me to use also. This app is great for scouting, naviating, and hunting.
For me, this was most important! The last thing I want to have happen is to be lost in the woods, it is actually a big fear of mine. It would be a scary experience to be lot in the woods. Inexperience can be your biggest downfall and I want to know what I am doing as well as where I am located!
Gearing up!
Another problem that female hunters experience is finding hunting clothing that fits. Most women, due to the unique nature of their figure, need to try their clothing on before purchasing it.
In the photo of me below, I tried on the ONLY outfit in the entire store for females. There was one choice of one style to choose from. The sizing was not appropriate for a more full figured woman. I could not buy the outfit I tried on because the pants wouldn't zip and the jacket wouldn't close. I left that store very frustrated and not very happy.
As a result, I ordered from Cabela's online. I went with a size bigger than everything I tried on in the store. However, when I received my order, I had to return the pants because they were too big.
This is a major issue for female hunters. There is a lack of clothing for them to choose from and sizing for women can be so varied, you need to try the clothing on first. This can be a major deterrent in learning how to hunt. You not only need to be comfortable, but you need to stay warm!
Remain determined when learning how to hunt!
Don't let the the obstacles that can get in your way stop you from doing what you really want to do. If you are a female who wants to experience hunting, then I say go full force and do it! Stick around for more articles on the female hunting experience and be sure to read my article on Deer Hunting for Women!
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